Restoration Wellness

Revive Your Best Self!

Vata Season Routine

An Ayurvedic routine for Vata individuals should aim to balance the qualities of Vata, which include dryness, coldness, lightness, and variability. Here’s a comprehensive daily routine (dinacharya) tailored for Vata dosha:

**Morning Routine:**

1. **Wake Up Early:** Rise around 6:00 AM, just before or during the sunrise. Vata tends to be more balanced during the cooler, stable morning hours.

2. **Tongue Cleaning:** Use a tongue scraper to clean your tongue, removing any accumulated toxins.

3. **Oral Care:** Perform oil pulling with sesame oil or coconut oil to maintain oral health and reduce oral dryness.

4. **Warm Water:** Start your day with a glass of warm water to hydrate and stimulate digestion.


6. **Nourishing Breakfast:** Consume a warm, nourishing breakfast that includes cooked grains (like oatmeal or quinoa), warm almond milk, and a touch of ghee. Add warming spices like cinnamon or cardamom.


7. **Stay Hydrated:** Sip on warm herbal teas throughout the morning. Opt for ginger, cinnamon, or licorice tea to maintain warmth and balance.


8. **Balanced Meal:** Enjoy a well-balanced lunch with a variety of cooked vegetables, grains (such as rice or quinoa), and a source of protein (lean meats, legumes).


9. **Short Walk:** Take a short walk in a peaceful natural setting to ground yourself and provide a break from your daily activities.

10. **Warm Beverage:** Continue to hydrate with warm herbal teas in the afternoon. A cup of ginger tea can be especially soothing.


11. **Early Dinner:** Have an early and light dinner. Finish your meal at least 2-3 hours before bedtime to ensure proper digestion.

12. **Warm Bath or Oil Massage:** Consider a warm bath or a self-massage (Abhyanga) using warm sesame oil. Massaging the body with warm oil helps nourish the skin and calm Vata.

13. **Calming Activities:** Engage in calming activities like reading, restorative yoga, or meditation to relax your mind.

14. **Screen-Free:** Minimize exposure to screens and electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime to promote better sleep quality.


15. **Early to Bed:** Aim to go to bed early, ideally by 10:00 PM. Adequate rest is crucial for Vata balance.

**Throughout the Day:**

16. **Stay Warm:** Dress in layers and wear warm, comfortable clothing, especially during colder months.

17. **Stay Hydrated:** Continue to sip warm water or herbal teas to prevent dehydration.

18. **Mindfulness:** Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.

19. **Regular Routine:** Establish and maintain a consistent daily routine to provide structure and stability.

20. **Self-Care:** Prioritize self-care practices that focus on nourishment, hydration, and relaxation.

Remember that Ayurveda recognizes individual differences, so it’s essential to tailor your routine to your specific constitution and imbalances. Consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner at Restoration Wellness can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your unique needs. We can also make sure you are following the right dosa routine for you.

Posted 57 weeks ago